Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eye Scars and S'More Pie

Well, it's been kind of a rough week for me in random ways. I scratched my cornea the weekend before last, and have been to the eye doctor twice and am still taking steroid drops six times a day. I went to the doctor again yesterday and he said it's healing, but there is a small scar on the middle of my cornea. He doesn't think it will affect my vision - but still, how weird to have a scar on my eye? I've been wearing my glasses for two weeks and will be in them another week, which is really not my favorite. :-) Then yesterday, my computer, which has been acting funny for a few weeks, decided to just completely give out and start flashing orange lights at me everywhere. I called Dell, fully confident that because my computer was under warranty, it would be fine. Well, apparently the problem is the battery, which actually is not under warranty anymore. Oh, cool. And right now my internet still isn't working and no one is quite sure why... (I'm on Dan's computer).

Luckily, though, at church on Sunday the entire sermon was about Phillipians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; I will say it again - Rejoice!" The sermon was about that we should be joyful no matter what our circumstances because of who God is. So I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday and this morning, and I kept thinking about this verse. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how lucky I am that a small scratch to the cornea and a sore throat (yeah, I have that too) are the biggest physical problems I have...and thank the Lord I have a computer, and I can afford to buy a new battery if I need to. For some reason, I dreamed about the helicopter crash in Sandusky and woke up sad about that as well. I can't imagine what that felt like for all the other people there, and all the family members of those in the helicopter. I don't know, I guess I just sometimes get into these traps of feeling sorry for myself and forget to be grateful for everything I have.

So, on that note, we had a wonderful weekend where we got to hang out with friends quite a bit. On Saturday night, we went over to Matthew's house, and ate dinner and played Guesstures with Matthew, Camden, Sean, and Faith. Here are Dan and I fully involved in the game:

It was a hard fought battle but the guys ended up winning in the end. (Yes, Dan made me write that!)

The other highlight of the night was the S'more Pie I made. It was seriously such a fun and delicious dessert - perfect for summertime! I'm proud to say that both Sean and Matthew said it overtook their previous favorite dessert and has become the new title-holder.
Here's the link to the recipe and pictures from the website I got it from:


Okay, time for class....enough of this procrastination!


the morgan fam said...

OH NO!!! Remember when we used to have simultaneous eye problems and have to wear our glasses? I hope this doesn't mean something's coming my way next... I did find out that I sleep with my eyes open!

Julie said...

In that 'oxygen' book that Josh got me, there's an exercise called "Being there" - where you read the passage and then imagine that you were there from all different points of view, using all your senses, etc. I was reading Paul in Phillipians talk about how he's in chains for Christ and suffering for Christ... I tried to imagine being there and the first thing that I thought was "Wow, Paul was a lot worse off than I am." There's a lot of painful situations that Paul and the early Christians were in that we don't have to deal with now, and it's funny that our tolerance for them still seems to go down and we think we are in the worst spot - when we just need to remember to Rejoice!

Also, I really like that verse in the Message version. Look it up!

the morgan fam said...

Here's that blog:


Just click on the "pet friendly" link on the right side :)