Wednesday, November 24, 2010


You guys!!

 Actually, I got TWO! Today!

I just checked my email, while I was at Drug Court actually, and the invitations were both there waiting for me. I am so excited. I don't think I am going to post the specific details on here in case anybody is out there Googling me. :) But I will be in Columbus for a whole 48 hours for an interview on December 10th. :) And then I will be traveling to Nebraska in January. And I've been invited to both child sites and counseling centers. Yay. I'm so excited. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just Another Update interviews yet. Most other people have gotten at least one. I haven't. It's kind of scary but also a little early still to be worrying...but it's hard not to. It's hard to see everybody all excited for their interviews, because I really want to be excited for them, but also I just want to get one. :(

So there's that. I promise I'll update as soon as I hear anything positive. That just hasn't happened yet.

In other, better, news, we are having Thanksgiving with Camden and Matthew again this year and I am SO excited. Camden and I have it all planned out. Dan gets in at 10:45 Thanksgiving morning, so we will be driving over there right from the airport and beginning the feast.  We're trying some new recipes this year, mainly Cooking Light, so if any of them work out I'll post them here. I will give you a sneak peek at one because I made it this morning and it was amazing:

Cooking Light Chocolate Fudge Pie

And because it's Cooking Light, that means it has no calories. :)

Okay. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! To those of you in Ohio, I miss you and wish that we could be there. To everyone else...Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You guys. I did it. I turned in all my internship applications. Now it's just a waiting game...scary! But at least it's out of my hands for right now.

So what have I been doing? Well, I was in Dallas this past week for the annual Texas Psychological Association conference. I had a great time. My friend/classmate Kelsie and I were presenting together, so we pricelined a room, and got to stay at Le Meridien for $45 a night! Sweet. On Thursday morning, four of us from the Counseling Center led a workshop called "Coloring Outside the Lines: Innovative Group Therapy Techniques with Millenials."  Well, actually I guess technically it was two psychologists from the Counseling Center and then two past practicum students. Same thing. :) Anyway, Susie and I talked about the grief group that we led last year and how we integrated grief and bereavement within the framework of attachment theory and positive psychology.  (Yes, I quoted that right from the brochure.)

On Friday, while at the conference, I went to an all-day workshop on Parent-Child Relationship Training. It was actually a great experience and I learned a lot. If you're interested, check it out here.   Just a warning, there was obviously not too much money to spend on website development. But anyway, great training, and really glad I went.

Other than that...I've been running!! White Rock half marathon coming up the first weekend in December!! It's going to be scary because this is the first time I'm running a long distance with the goal of not just finishing it, but actually getting somewhat of a decent time. That makes me nervous and I don't really like it. But we'll see how it goes...It's been fun training for it, anyway. We've been doing things like "speed workouts" and "tempo runs" that previously weren't part of my vocabulary. Or my workouts. And I can tell I am getting better so that's kind of cool.

So that's that! I'm slowly recovering from the craziness of October. I don't know what the next few months will be like. In some ways probably just as crazy... but I don't know, it feels so good to have all that over with.  I hope you're all doing well! I'll see most of you next month!